Premium Ultra High Polyphenol Extra Virgin Olive Oils

We have sourced the highest quality extra virgin oils across the Europe with 3x the polyphenol count of standard EVOO's that deliver the ultimate health benefits.

  • 700+ polyphenol count (3x higher than the standard EVOO)

  • Quality assured with 3rd party certification

  • 2023 harvest for premium freshness

Early Harvest high polyphenol extra virgin olive oil
Early Harvest high polyphenol extra virgin olive oil

Not all extra virgin olive oils are created equal

Extra virgin olive oils are rich in polyphenols which are micro nutrients proven to have exceptional health benefits. However, not all olive oils have the same level of healthy goodness. An oils polyphenol count depends on the olives used, when they were harvested, and how the oil is processed and stored. As the cost of olive oil has soared in recent years - so too has the level of fraud in the supply chain. The oil you buy in your local supermarket might not even be true extra virgin olive oil! Our mission at Early Harvest is to find the most healthy and fresh EVOO's produced across the globe for those keen to live longer and healthier lives.

Our Ethos

If it's not on our list – it's not worth buying!

We only list oils with 700+ polyphenol count which is 3x the standard EVOO and baseline required to deliver health benefits.

All the oils we source are from the most recent harvest to ensure quality and freshness. Latest Harvest Oct 2023.

We only list oils which have a 3rd party certified polyphenol count to ensure quality.

Ultra High Phenols

Premium Freshness

3rd Party Certified

"99% of the health benefits of olive oil are related to the presence of the phenolic compounds, not the oil itself."

- Nasir Malik, Plant physiologist at US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service.

Health Benefits of High Polyphenol Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Prevention of Cognitive Decline & Alzheimer's

Heart Health

Pain and Inflammation

Bone Health & Strength

Immune System Health

Improved Gut Health

Mental Health

Reduced Risk of Cancer

Blood Sugar Control

Healthy Skin

"Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil is more powerful than resveratrol, NR, cold plunge, sauna and your favourite podcast. Your body will thank you"

- Brian Johnson, World famous biohacker & founder of Blueprint


3 table spoons a day

Just 1 Tbsp (15 mL) with each daily meal could help you achieve your ultimate health.

Extra Virgin Olive requires a minimum polyphenol count of 500mg/kg to be considered effective delivering health benefits. All the oils we list offer 40% or more than the minimum standard to make sure the deliver the ultimate health.

One 500ml bottle of olive oil should last you one month if take daily as recommended.


We only list Ultra High Polyphenol Extra Virgin Olive Oils with 3rd party lab certificates for quality assurance. Many of our oils have won multiple awards for both their taste and health properties. As well as singular bottles of we also offer gift boxes. Email us to enquire on gifting solutions.

Olympic gold medal 2023 olive oil awards
Olympic gold medal 2023 olive oil awards
Never miss out!

Due to the popularity of our oils and their limited supply, many become sold out within days of being listed. Sign up to our newsletter to be notified when new oils are added to our portfolio and our most popular oils are re-stocked so that you never miss out.

Customer Reviews

"It's so hard to find true high polyphenol EVOO. There are so many false claims. Early Harvest have made sourcing premium oil easy and affordable"

"I had no idea that there was such disparity in polyphenol content in olive oil. Now I know I will never buy a supermarket brand again"

"I though premium - meant rocket sky prices Early Harvest has made finding good quality oil affordable to source and fun to try"

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For any inquiries or assistance, please feel free to reach out to us.